In this first clip I discuss several yoga breathing techniques which promote immune function, improve lung function, and reduce anxiety.
Sleep boosts your immunity
Nature’s own pharmacy, ourselves! There’s a time and a place for medicine, but let’s remember the basic maintenance principles of health. Sleep is medicine!
Our featured post: ‘Tis the season for Light, Laughter and Music
‘Tis the season for light, laughter and music. Chinese medicine also tells us it’s a time for rest and solitude. This can be a tricky balance and often we find ourselves frazzled and tired. Give yourself permission to cut back and just do the minimum. Of course make sure the kids have a magical Christmas, go to a few parties, and then sleep in and rest! Holidays will go better and actually be more joyous. Also come in for your seasonal acupuncture tune-up. It will feel wonderful and you will sleep better, have fewer colds and flus, and generally feel better!
The Seasonal Tune-up
Chinese medicine tells us we change with the seasons and are part of nature, no matter how advanced our technology has become. This is why it’s important to come in for an acupuncture tune up as the seasons change. To see a discussion of this concept click on the video.
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